Authority & Official 

This work documents the outbreak of the coronavirus disease in China. In the early stage, due to the cover-up and censorship of the government, facts on the epidemic were not fully understood, which caused delayed actions in response to the outbreak.

Now that the coronavirus disease has developed into a global pandemic, I would like this work to not only echo sympathy for people who have been affected by the disease, especially the doctors and nurses, and the whistle blowerswho lost their lives, but also to learn from Chinese experience, to promote early prevention. The other takeaway from this project is how governments manipulate and fake information.  

这个作品记录了中国冠状病毒病的爆发。早期,由于对政府的掩盖和审查, 没有充分了解疫情的事实,导致对疫情的反应延迟。现在冠状病毒病已经发展成为全球流行疾病,我希望这个作品不仅呼应了对受疾病影响的人的同情,特别是医生和护士,以及那些失去生命的“ 告密者”,这个作品同时鼓励别的国家学习中国的经验,促进早期预防。从这个项目中我们可以了解到政府是如何操纵和伪造信息的。

The first book is called Authority. (2”x10”) It was designed in a Chinese red background with white text on. The use of white text on a red background reflects the positive and persuasive characteristics created by Chinese propaganda slogans. The book represents the features of brainwashing, which has three characteristics: a single source of information, High frequency of repetition, and cheerful vibe to render  things. There are a couple of slogans keep repeating in this book that resonate how often people receive this message, like “Come on! Wuhan”, “United together to fight the coronavirus disease.” However, with the outbreak developed to a global epidemic.

这部作品由两本书和一场表演行为艺术组成。这两本书比较了政府对于冠状病毒疾病相关的报道以及人们的真实疑问和声明。第一本书名叫《权威 官方。 (2”x10”),这本书所有的背景是用的中国红,在红色背景上使用白色文字体现了中国宣传口号所创造的积极和有说服力的特点。这本书反映了洗脑的特征, 其为三个特点:信息来源单一,重复频率高,渲染事物 、、的愉悦氛围。书中不断重复的几句口号让人们对这句话产生了共鸣,比如“武汉加油!”,“团结一致,共同抗击冠状病毒病”。然而,随着疫情发展成为全球流行病。

The other book is called ‘Archive’ (4” X 17.5”), which is nailed on a monument. It is made up of critical sentences, poetry that reflects on reality, and images of what really happens in hospitals, society and cities. Due to the online posts being under surveillance that some facts are deleted by the government, so the book presents a medium to bring voice up.


另一本书叫《记录》(4” x 17.5”),它被钉在红色的纪念碑上。它由批判性语句,反映现实的诗歌,以及在医院、社会和城市中真实发生的景象组成。由于网上的一些帖子被政府删除了,所以这本书同时成为了一种传播声音的媒介。

The performance is called ‘Remembrance’ in the video shows me as a “whistle blower” to emphasize how message are under control and to mourning people who sacrificed. I was burning pig’s brains as a medium to show respect for the victims. The reason why I chose to use pig’s brains is that it is the most physically similar structure to the human body, which awakens the viewer’s mind to explore the cruelty, fragility and frailty of life. Incineration is also the only way to bury dead body during the outbreak. The monitor is arranged on the knee level with the burnt pig’s brains. The pig’s brains are collected by each transparent acrylic cube that are covered by white cotton. It is placed on the floor. The set up engages the audience to move closer, bend over, or even kneel on the floor to watch the performance and the burnt-out.

烧猪脑的方式来表达对受害者的尊重。我之所以选择用猪的大脑,是因为它是与人体最相似的身体结构,唤醒了观者的心灵去探索生命的残酷、脆弱和脆弱。在疫情爆发期间,焚烧也是掩埋尸体的唯一方法。视频通过显示器播放。显示器与烧伤的猪脑一同放置,显示器几乎与膝盖齐平。大脑被放在地板上。这样的设置吸引了观众走近,弯下腰, 甚至跪在地板上观看表演和烧毁。烧焦的猪脑由每一个透明的丙烯酸立方体收集,立方体被白色的布覆盖。